
Kathy Bornarth



As you can tell from the picture, I can usually be found with my journal in hand.  I find it comforting to know I have a place to express my thoughts and feelings, jot down ideas, and watch my personal and professional growth.  

I’ve spent the last several years studying journal therapy with world class leaders in the field of expressive writing and now I want to share that knowledge and power with you. 

I also have more than twenty years of private practice as a licensed clinical mental health counselor.  In addition to counseling, I’m a coach, speaker, author, and business owner.  My practice and other ventures provide me wonderful opportunities to energize my own journaling, while sharing the many benefits of therapeutic journaling with my clients, friends, and family.  Throughout, journaling has illuminated my life’s adventures!  And, I believe it can do the same for you! 

Together we can work to amplify your life and bring about lasting and joyful changes!  If you’re not a journal keeper, that’s okay.  We’ll find what works best for you to move forward and make the changes you need and want.  


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